Celebrating Hilary’s 3rd anniversary in Tornareccio
UƞibƦido (I) – psychedelic stoner rock
Basically this is what happens when an individual (Carlo) meets a second individual (Marvin) in a cramped little room set up to create music.
All this happened at the onset of spring 2018, concurrently with the cherry blossoms on the Pallano mountains a few miles away – two brains summarized their musical needs through their respective instruments.
Affinity and harmony exploded immediately.
So many ideas in such a short time guaranteed their participation in the VIII edition of the festival DO IT YOURSELF in Pescara.
But what is UnibRido musically?
Labeled Psychedelic Stoner Rock by some, but interested parties don’t like to attribute a genre to their sounds: powerful music in which a personal vision of reality converges with the plausible story of a forced coexistence with one’s own human weaknesses. But, if they really must, they define it as P.I.G.S. Rock!
Le Dernier Dessert (F?) – gender-bending cabaret ft Monsieur le Gateau and Madame Pepites
MUSIC ALL NIGHT with djessa da’hil and dj carlo
PLUS A PiZZA PARTY – pizza in our on-site wood fired oven (as always everyone is welcome to contribute extra food and drink)